Film Studies

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

V For Vendetta

“Remember remember the fifth of November gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason should ever be forgot.” This is such a great quote or saying that it has been around our time forever. It rhymes and still gets the point through.

At the beginning of this movie, i liked how the director had Evy and V looking into the mirror doing the same exact thing, so it was almost as if they were the same person. At that point, I knew that Evy was going to play a big role in this movie, and that she was going to be tied to V in some way.... and I think that thought was just an under statement. As the movie goes on, Evy keeps getting closer and closer to V and I think the sad part is, is that she can't even controll it, only he can.

The main reason I loved this movie, is because it always kept me on edge. I could never tell when V was going to strike again and either could anyone else in the movie. I liked the directors message. I think his message was, that this movie was going to be filled with action and after watching that, I think using the word action to describe this movie would be an under-statement. As the movie goes on, V keeps making his moves and killing people left to right. At times I was very confused of why V was doing certain things but as I look back on it, it all makes sense.

There was one point that really stuck out to me in this movie and that was the sotry itself. Sometimes I feel as if the director reveals the story to quickly but in this moive that was not how it appeared. As the movie went on, the story started to come to me but as it also went on my mind was thinking back and forth on why he was doing so I liked how the movie kept you on edge for the whole thing and not just the ending.

Overall this was one of the best movies I've seen just because of the fact of how it unraveled and how it was so exciting! I would prefer someone else to watch it and I can see myself watching this movie again!

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Simpsons Movie

The Simpsons Movie

Examples of Irony:

1. “Don’t look where I’m pointing”

2. “God Bless this house”

3. “This is America, anybody can make money!”

4. “Why does everything I whip run away from me?”

5. When the dome rises, everyone switches roles!


1. Dome Depot

2. Grand Theft Walrus

3. Dome Sweet Dome

4. Binge responsibly

5. The Spider Pig song

Top 5 Quotes:

1. “You’re a woman, you can hold on to it forever.”

2. “It takes real leadership to do something you’re clueless about!”

3. “Maybe we should kiss to break the tension.”

4. “If you can find a greasier sandwich, you’re in Mexico.”

5. “They’re China’s problem now.

Examples of Parody:

1. The bands stage sinks, like the Titanic.

2. Harry Plopper, like Harry Potter.

3. Spider Pig, like Spider Man.

4. The monkey, like Phantom of the Opera.

5. Grand Theft Walrus like Grand Theft Auto.

6. Homer and Marge’s love scene, like Disney.


1. President Schwarzenegger: California voted for an actor for governor.

2. President doesn’t make his own decisions.


4. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

5. “I was elected to lead, not read.”

6. “The government actually found someone they were looking for”

Monday, May 2, 2011

PHS Paradiso

I take the hard foul, and go up strong.
Freindships cannot be broken. <3
I don't let things prevent me from doing my job.
Never get down.
Balance in life is important.
Enjoy life to its fullest.