Film Studies

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Shawshank Redemption

Wow! what a movie! This was one of the greatest movies I have ever saw. When my teacher  said, "we're going to be watching the movie Shawshank redemption" my first thought was what the heck is this movie about. I had no ideas what this movie was about and that is why I think i liked this movie so much.

This movie starts off with a guy named Andy sittting in his car drinking. I could tell that Andy was very mad or upset about something and I liked how the director just switched scenes to Andy being tried in court for the muder of his wife. Andy begs and says he never comitted the crime but the jury doesn't believe him and sends Andy to jail for life. The next scene is Andy sitting on a bus going to Shawshank jail. I just thought to myself what Andy was thinking about as he is sitting there with all of his freedom stripped of him. As the bus pulls up to the jail, all the inmates are cheering and gathering around to see who the new inmates were that were coming in. As Andy steps off the bus, I could tell that him and Red were going to have a connection, just because of the look in Red's eyes.

As the movie goes on, Andy doesn't really have any friends but he hasn't really tried talking to anyone. One guy goes up and confronts Andy in the shower and say's he'll be his freind but Andy says no thanks. Later on in the movie this guy ends up raping Andy and also beating Andy up, but the officers took care of that guy.  As the movie goes on Andy and Reds friendship keeps getting closer and closer. Red had an inside friendship with almost everyone in the jail and that led to Andy becoming close to everyone. As Andy and Red are on a roof-top working, Andy makes a deal with the officer saying that he'll do his taxes for him. From here on, Andy started to do the Wardens taxes, but this would eventually lead to a bad ending.

A new inmate joins Shawshank redemption and he would change Andy's life. He siad that he had an inmate at an old jail and told the story of how he murdered Andy's wife. The whole time Andy has been innocent but no one belived him. Andy tried going to the Warden to tell him he's innocent but the Warden doesn't believe him and then Andy says that he won't tell anyone that the Warden is embezling money into the jail and that forces the Warden to lock Andy up in the whole for atleast 2 months.

Once Andy got out of the hole, he started to act totally different and Red knew it but he didn't know what Andy was up to. Andy goes back to his cell one night, and that was going to be the last time Andy was in his cell at Shawshank. Andy has been working on digging a huge tunnel through his cell wall to escape and that night he crawled through it and escaped the jail. No one was ever able to find Andy. Andy wrote this letter to let people know what was truly happening at Shawshank and then a police group went there only to find the Warden already kill himself. Red eventually got out and met up with Andy down in Mexico.

This is one of the greatest movies about never giving up on hope, even if your innocent the whole time. I loved this movie and would recommend others watching this movie!

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