Film Studies

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Thursday, April 14, 2011


My emotions were challenged through out this movie. At the beginning of the movie Ben-Hur, I was not very interested, but as the movie progressed on I became more and more interested. I didn’t really understand the beginning of it and it never caught my attention. Most of my life I’ve been very judging and if i didn’t like something, I would just give up on it right away. Lately I’ve been experiencing different kinds of movies that I usually wouldn’t watch, and it’s opened my eyes to not judge a movie right away from it’s beginning.
Ben-Hur starts off with a pretty long overture and I truly dislike those! They bore me to sleep. I honestly like when the movie starts with action or the beginning of the story. The main reason I had such a hard time understanding the story, is because I didn’t figure out the characters names or who they were related to, and half of that is my fault but I also feel like the sound quality wasn’t as great as we have it now. I understand that the movie was in the olden times and that is why I thought it was such a great movie made for the type of equipment they had back then.
I didn’t start getting too interested in the movie until the horse races. Once the horse were about to start, I actually started to understand the movie for some reason. One symbol I would like to point out is the colors black and white. The romans raced black horses and Juda raced white horses. Basically the whole race was between Juda and his old best friend Mercelles. I didn’t quite understand why the Romans were able to have spikes on their chariot, but I think it has something to do with them always needing to win and always needing the power over everyone else. Juda was able to be smart and just race his own race and he ended up winning. I thought it was amazing how the producers made the movie look so real for how old it is and for the type of equipment they had back then. For example, when someone was being ran over by a horse, it looked as real as could be.
After the chariot races, the movie just kind of dragged on for me. I was still more interested in it than in the beginning. I finally understood the Leppers disease and how his mother and sister had it. The only thing I really remember after the chariot races is basically Jesus being crucified and then his mother and sister being healed from their disease.
    Overall, I would give this movie 3.5 stars out of 5. I would highly recommend watching this movie.


  1. Beautiful blog. I feel like you could have described why this movie dragged on, but you did alright for what you put. Also, go over the story a little bit. I wasn't convinced to watch this movie quite yet.
