Film Studies

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Friday, April 15, 2011


                The movie Psycho was an unbelievable movie from start to finish. First it starts out with a color symbol you can’t miss. Marion Crane starts out wearing white undies which is the color of heroism or the color which means good. Marion attends work where $40,000 is brought upon her. I could sense right then that she was going to run off to her lover Sam Loomis. Marion then proceeds to say that she will take the money straight to the bank, but I knew what she was really thinking. She takes the money to her house and starts to pack her suitcase to flee town. As she is packing, she is once again in her underwear, but this time she was wearing black underwear which is the color of evil or the color which means bad. Marion is now driving through the city about to leave, but as she stops at a stop light, her boss passes right in front of her and her conscious starts to kick in.
                Once Marion is on the road to see Sam, she realizes there is no going back, and her mind was talking to her about it the whole time. She couldn’t concentrate so she decided to pull over and sleep on the side of the road for the night. In the morning, a police officer noticed her and proceeded to wake her up by tapping on the window. At this point in the movie, I thought that the officer would notice something suspicious about her and take her to jail for a day. Marion woke up and the officer sort of questioned her about different things. Marion seemed very nervous that the officer would see the money or notice her, so she was in a hurry to leave. The officer eventually let her leave but then decided to follow her. Marion knew that she needed to get a new car with new license plates so she couldn’t be tracked. I didn’t quite understand why the cop just sat across the street watching Marion look for a new car, but obviously it bothered her and the car dealer knew it. One thing I noticed during the car dealer part was right away as Marion was walking up to the dealer, the dealer says to her, “the first of the day is always trouble.” I just thought this was another symbol. Marion rushes frantically to buy a new car, and she eventually takes off in a new car leaving the police officer and car dealer questioning her moves.
                Once Marion arrived at the motel and met Norman Bates, I knew that he was a creep just from the way he talked. One symbol that stuck out quite a bit was how Norman kept talking about birds.  I felt like from there I could predict most of the movie and I ended up predicting it right. I just had a gut feeling that Norman would kill Marion and the detective. The rest of the movie just kind of went slow for me, but overall it was a great movie and that’s why I would give it 4.5 stars out of 5 stars.


  1. I can't read this. But nice review

  2. What do the pictures mean?

  3. Great. Good deatails. Nice look to your film review blog. I suggest working on a memorable closing to your review.
