Film Studies

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Gone With The Wind

Many people have watched Gone With the Wind, and many people have liked it and it’s become to be known as on of the greatest movies of all times. For the time period that it was made in, I give it great quality. Back then it was hard to make those quick action shots an have the camera move a lot in each scene. I think part of the reason I didn’t like the movie that much, was just because of how slow paced it seemed to me.

If your into the types of movies that are fast paced and hold your attention, then I don’t think you would have liked this movie. Though I personally didn’t like this movie, I think it showed that women were becoming more in control than what people thought they were. I thought it was interesting how Scarlet was able to manipulate people into doing whatever she wanted to do. For example, she needed money, so she went out and tried getting her money from Rhett, which didn’t work at first.

A scene that I really liked and it meant a lot to me, was the scene at the very beginning when they showed the slaves in the fields doing work. It was the way life was back then for them, and it just made me think about how amazing it has been to see where and how far black people have came from. It was a very touching scene.

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