Film Studies

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Top 10 Of All Time

1. For Three Movie
2. It's More Than A Game
3. Human Centipede
4. V for Vendetta
5. Never Say Never
6. Up
7. Hoop Dreams
8. Hangover
9. Hot Rod
10. Step Brothers

Rank Of Films In Class

1. The Graduate
2. Rumor Has It
3. V for Vendetta
4. The Great Debaters
5. Ben Hur
6. Psycho
7. Simpsons
8. Gone With The Wind
9. Shawshank Redemption
10. Cinema Paradiso
11.Citizen Kane

Shawshank Redemption

Wow! what a movie! This was one of the greatest movies I have ever saw. When my teacher  said, "we're going to be watching the movie Shawshank redemption" my first thought was what the heck is this movie about. I had no ideas what this movie was about and that is why I think i liked this movie so much.

This movie starts off with a guy named Andy sittting in his car drinking. I could tell that Andy was very mad or upset about something and I liked how the director just switched scenes to Andy being tried in court for the muder of his wife. Andy begs and says he never comitted the crime but the jury doesn't believe him and sends Andy to jail for life. The next scene is Andy sitting on a bus going to Shawshank jail. I just thought to myself what Andy was thinking about as he is sitting there with all of his freedom stripped of him. As the bus pulls up to the jail, all the inmates are cheering and gathering around to see who the new inmates were that were coming in. As Andy steps off the bus, I could tell that him and Red were going to have a connection, just because of the look in Red's eyes.

As the movie goes on, Andy doesn't really have any friends but he hasn't really tried talking to anyone. One guy goes up and confronts Andy in the shower and say's he'll be his freind but Andy says no thanks. Later on in the movie this guy ends up raping Andy and also beating Andy up, but the officers took care of that guy.  As the movie goes on Andy and Reds friendship keeps getting closer and closer. Red had an inside friendship with almost everyone in the jail and that led to Andy becoming close to everyone. As Andy and Red are on a roof-top working, Andy makes a deal with the officer saying that he'll do his taxes for him. From here on, Andy started to do the Wardens taxes, but this would eventually lead to a bad ending.

A new inmate joins Shawshank redemption and he would change Andy's life. He siad that he had an inmate at an old jail and told the story of how he murdered Andy's wife. The whole time Andy has been innocent but no one belived him. Andy tried going to the Warden to tell him he's innocent but the Warden doesn't believe him and then Andy says that he won't tell anyone that the Warden is embezling money into the jail and that forces the Warden to lock Andy up in the whole for atleast 2 months.

Once Andy got out of the hole, he started to act totally different and Red knew it but he didn't know what Andy was up to. Andy goes back to his cell one night, and that was going to be the last time Andy was in his cell at Shawshank. Andy has been working on digging a huge tunnel through his cell wall to escape and that night he crawled through it and escaped the jail. No one was ever able to find Andy. Andy wrote this letter to let people know what was truly happening at Shawshank and then a police group went there only to find the Warden already kill himself. Red eventually got out and met up with Andy down in Mexico.

This is one of the greatest movies about never giving up on hope, even if your innocent the whole time. I loved this movie and would recommend others watching this movie!

The Great Debaters

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

V For Vendetta

“Remember remember the fifth of November gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason should ever be forgot.” This is such a great quote or saying that it has been around our time forever. It rhymes and still gets the point through.

At the beginning of this movie, i liked how the director had Evy and V looking into the mirror doing the same exact thing, so it was almost as if they were the same person. At that point, I knew that Evy was going to play a big role in this movie, and that she was going to be tied to V in some way.... and I think that thought was just an under statement. As the movie goes on, Evy keeps getting closer and closer to V and I think the sad part is, is that she can't even controll it, only he can.

The main reason I loved this movie, is because it always kept me on edge. I could never tell when V was going to strike again and either could anyone else in the movie. I liked the directors message. I think his message was, that this movie was going to be filled with action and after watching that, I think using the word action to describe this movie would be an under-statement. As the movie goes on, V keeps making his moves and killing people left to right. At times I was very confused of why V was doing certain things but as I look back on it, it all makes sense.

There was one point that really stuck out to me in this movie and that was the sotry itself. Sometimes I feel as if the director reveals the story to quickly but in this moive that was not how it appeared. As the movie went on, the story started to come to me but as it also went on my mind was thinking back and forth on why he was doing so I liked how the movie kept you on edge for the whole thing and not just the ending.

Overall this was one of the best movies I've seen just because of the fact of how it unraveled and how it was so exciting! I would prefer someone else to watch it and I can see myself watching this movie again!

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Simpsons Movie

The Simpsons Movie

Examples of Irony:

1. “Don’t look where I’m pointing”

2. “God Bless this house”

3. “This is America, anybody can make money!”

4. “Why does everything I whip run away from me?”

5. When the dome rises, everyone switches roles!


1. Dome Depot

2. Grand Theft Walrus

3. Dome Sweet Dome

4. Binge responsibly

5. The Spider Pig song

Top 5 Quotes:

1. “You’re a woman, you can hold on to it forever.”

2. “It takes real leadership to do something you’re clueless about!”

3. “Maybe we should kiss to break the tension.”

4. “If you can find a greasier sandwich, you’re in Mexico.”

5. “They’re China’s problem now.

Examples of Parody:

1. The bands stage sinks, like the Titanic.

2. Harry Plopper, like Harry Potter.

3. Spider Pig, like Spider Man.

4. The monkey, like Phantom of the Opera.

5. Grand Theft Walrus like Grand Theft Auto.

6. Homer and Marge’s love scene, like Disney.


1. President Schwarzenegger: California voted for an actor for governor.

2. President doesn’t make his own decisions.


4. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

5. “I was elected to lead, not read.”

6. “The government actually found someone they were looking for”

Monday, May 2, 2011

PHS Paradiso

I take the hard foul, and go up strong.
Freindships cannot be broken. <3
I don't let things prevent me from doing my job.
Never get down.
Balance in life is important.
Enjoy life to its fullest.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Graduate

I just finished watching The Graduate and what a great movie this was. At the beginning of the movie, I didn’t think it would be anything like what I watched. I thought that the movie was going to be about a guy that just gets done with college, and goes straight to the workforce and has a family. This movie brought a lot of comedy to the classroom. I really didn’t understand the whole point of the movie, but I think the point might be that a college student just wants to relax once college is over and have a good time.
At the beginning of the movie it starts out with a normal college student coming home from school, and it seems as if Benjamin doesn’t want to do anything at his party, besides relax. Mrs. Robinson goes and finds Ben up in his room, and from the point on I could tell that she had the “hots” for Ben. She proceeds to ask Benjamin if he could possibly drive her home and Ben agrees too. Once they get to Mrs. Robinsons, she asks Ben if he could go inside and wait with her till Mr. Robinson got home. Ben and Mrs. Robinson sit down and have a drink and Mrs. Robinson tries to start small talk. The small talk worked, and then Mrs. Robinson goes upstairs and asked Ben to follow. When they are upstairs, Mrs. Robinson asks Ben to help take her clothes off.  At this time, Ben is practically freaking out and tries to leave, but Mrs. Robinson wouldn’t let him. He finally had enough and decided to go down stairs and wait for Mr. Robinson to get home.
            As the movie goes on, Benjamin act’s freely and is starting to have a good time. Mr. Robinson told Ben, “just live your life,” and that’s exactly what Benjamin did. I could start to tell that Benjamin was getting confidence and that showed. Benjamin goes to the Tart hotel, where he decides to call Mrs. Robinson and ask her to join him at the hotel. Mrs. Robinson accepts his invite and goes to the hotel. In the meantime, Benjamin starts acting very strangely around the worker at the front desk and I found it somewhat amusing. Benjamin rents out a room at the hotel for him and Mrs. Robinson. It was Benjamin’s first time in this situation so he was very nervous and it was funny. I bet most of you readers could guess what happens next.
            As the movie goes on, it basically consists of Benjamin and Mrs. Robinson meeting up at the hotel nightly and have a “good time” between themselves and wouldn’t let others know. As everything is starting to go good, Mrs. Robinsons daughter Elaine comes home. Mrs. Robinson told Benjamin to specifically not to hang out with Elaine. Benjamin’s parents insisted that he hang with her so they do. Mrs. Robinson was very mad about this, but as the date started Benjamin was very short with Elaine and you could tell he didn’t want to be there. He brings her to a strip club and she runs out crying. Benjamin follows her out and apologizes to her. They go to the movies and Benjamin starts to like her. Ben decides to ditch out on Mrs. Robinson and pursue a relationship with Elaine. Mrs. Robinson was very mad about this and tells Benjamin she will tell Elaine everything, but Benjamin called a bluff on it. Ben personally told Elaine about the affair with her mom and she tells Benjamin to never talk to her again. Elaine goes back to college and leaves Ben heartbroken. Ben wouldn’t let the love of his life leave him, so he goes to Elaine’s college and creeps on her daily. He finally builds up the confidence to talk to her, but she was in a relationship with another boy. Ben and Elaine talk about life up in Ben’s room, and at this moment Ben hears that Mrs. Robinson told Elaine that she was “raped” by Ben which is a huge lie. Elaine and her boyfriend run off to get marry, but Benjamin wouldn’t give up. He searches all over for the wedding and finally finds it. He was able to stop the marriage and run onto a bus with Elaine by his side.
            Overall I would give this movie a 4-5 stars because I thought that it was very comical and it kept me interested. Anyone that’s looking for a good movie to laugh at, I would highly recommend that you watch this movie.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gone With The Wind

Many people have watched Gone With the Wind, and many people have liked it and it’s become to be known as on of the greatest movies of all times. For the time period that it was made in, I give it great quality. Back then it was hard to make those quick action shots an have the camera move a lot in each scene. I think part of the reason I didn’t like the movie that much, was just because of how slow paced it seemed to me.

If your into the types of movies that are fast paced and hold your attention, then I don’t think you would have liked this movie. Though I personally didn’t like this movie, I think it showed that women were becoming more in control than what people thought they were. I thought it was interesting how Scarlet was able to manipulate people into doing whatever she wanted to do. For example, she needed money, so she went out and tried getting her money from Rhett, which didn’t work at first.

A scene that I really liked and it meant a lot to me, was the scene at the very beginning when they showed the slaves in the fields doing work. It was the way life was back then for them, and it just made me think about how amazing it has been to see where and how far black people have came from. It was a very touching scene.


                The movie Psycho was an unbelievable movie from start to finish. First it starts out with a color symbol you can’t miss. Marion Crane starts out wearing white undies which is the color of heroism or the color which means good. Marion attends work where $40,000 is brought upon her. I could sense right then that she was going to run off to her lover Sam Loomis. Marion then proceeds to say that she will take the money straight to the bank, but I knew what she was really thinking. She takes the money to her house and starts to pack her suitcase to flee town. As she is packing, she is once again in her underwear, but this time she was wearing black underwear which is the color of evil or the color which means bad. Marion is now driving through the city about to leave, but as she stops at a stop light, her boss passes right in front of her and her conscious starts to kick in.
                Once Marion is on the road to see Sam, she realizes there is no going back, and her mind was talking to her about it the whole time. She couldn’t concentrate so she decided to pull over and sleep on the side of the road for the night. In the morning, a police officer noticed her and proceeded to wake her up by tapping on the window. At this point in the movie, I thought that the officer would notice something suspicious about her and take her to jail for a day. Marion woke up and the officer sort of questioned her about different things. Marion seemed very nervous that the officer would see the money or notice her, so she was in a hurry to leave. The officer eventually let her leave but then decided to follow her. Marion knew that she needed to get a new car with new license plates so she couldn’t be tracked. I didn’t quite understand why the cop just sat across the street watching Marion look for a new car, but obviously it bothered her and the car dealer knew it. One thing I noticed during the car dealer part was right away as Marion was walking up to the dealer, the dealer says to her, “the first of the day is always trouble.” I just thought this was another symbol. Marion rushes frantically to buy a new car, and she eventually takes off in a new car leaving the police officer and car dealer questioning her moves.
                Once Marion arrived at the motel and met Norman Bates, I knew that he was a creep just from the way he talked. One symbol that stuck out quite a bit was how Norman kept talking about birds.  I felt like from there I could predict most of the movie and I ended up predicting it right. I just had a gut feeling that Norman would kill Marion and the detective. The rest of the movie just kind of went slow for me, but overall it was a great movie and that’s why I would give it 4.5 stars out of 5 stars.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


My emotions were challenged through out this movie. At the beginning of the movie Ben-Hur, I was not very interested, but as the movie progressed on I became more and more interested. I didn’t really understand the beginning of it and it never caught my attention. Most of my life I’ve been very judging and if i didn’t like something, I would just give up on it right away. Lately I’ve been experiencing different kinds of movies that I usually wouldn’t watch, and it’s opened my eyes to not judge a movie right away from it’s beginning.
Ben-Hur starts off with a pretty long overture and I truly dislike those! They bore me to sleep. I honestly like when the movie starts with action or the beginning of the story. The main reason I had such a hard time understanding the story, is because I didn’t figure out the characters names or who they were related to, and half of that is my fault but I also feel like the sound quality wasn’t as great as we have it now. I understand that the movie was in the olden times and that is why I thought it was such a great movie made for the type of equipment they had back then.
I didn’t start getting too interested in the movie until the horse races. Once the horse were about to start, I actually started to understand the movie for some reason. One symbol I would like to point out is the colors black and white. The romans raced black horses and Juda raced white horses. Basically the whole race was between Juda and his old best friend Mercelles. I didn’t quite understand why the Romans were able to have spikes on their chariot, but I think it has something to do with them always needing to win and always needing the power over everyone else. Juda was able to be smart and just race his own race and he ended up winning. I thought it was amazing how the producers made the movie look so real for how old it is and for the type of equipment they had back then. For example, when someone was being ran over by a horse, it looked as real as could be.
After the chariot races, the movie just kind of dragged on for me. I was still more interested in it than in the beginning. I finally understood the Leppers disease and how his mother and sister had it. The only thing I really remember after the chariot races is basically Jesus being crucified and then his mother and sister being healed from their disease.
    Overall, I would give this movie 3.5 stars out of 5. I would highly recommend watching this movie.